Workplace Stress Levels Dropping
Posted on Mar 24, 2017
Stress in the workplace is on the decline, according to a recent study from health portal provider MediKeeper, Inc.
The majority of respondents said, on a scale of one to five, that their stress level was at a two in 2016. This is down from 2014, where the majority said they were at a level three.
Similarly, the number of people who reported a level one increased by 58 percent over the same two-year period.
Curb your stress with these helpful tips:
- Make to-do lists of tasks that need completing and cross off items as you finish them.
- Talk with a co-worker about things that are bothering you. Getting support from friends is a great way to relax and reduce anxiety.
- If you continually run late, set your clocks and watch ahead to give yourself extra time.
- Read over your job description so you know exactly what is expected of you.
Source: Zywave, Inc.
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